Our ‘Work Exchange’ program is expanding to include an option for you to benefit the event from your home and in your neighborhood.  All registered Sellers who recruit a NEW seller to participate in the Sale will be invited to shop early on Wednesday night as a ‘Recruiting Work Exchanger’.  You exchange your time in working with a new Seller and helping that person participate in exchange for early shopping privileges.   Here’s how it works:


1) Tell someone about the event and encourage them to Sell items with us.


2) Explain the system to your recruit and help with tagging if needed.  Make sure they show up and participate.  Please note that Kids Exchange will verify that the new seller has participated by checking their attendance and items entered into the sale.


3) Once you are 100% sure that your new recruit is participating in the upcoming Sale by tagging and bringing at least 20+ items, go to our Sign Up Genius link (at the bottom of this page) and add your name, your recruits name and seller number.


4) Your name will automatically be on the list to shop early once your recruit is verified and has dropped off items to sell. 


5) Check-in for the Work Exchangers Sale at the entrance to the Graham Building anytime after 5pm on Wednesday of the sale week.  You will enter the Sale at 5pm.  You will have 3 hours to shop the early sale.

 *Please note if you would like to shop earlier than 6pm, you are welcome to work a (5) hour shift and shop at either 1pm or 3pm, based on the shift or shifts that you choose.    All ‘Recruiting Work Exchangers’ are invited to shop from 5pm – 8pm only.  Please note that Work Exchangers that work at the Sale work either a 5-hr or (2) 5-hr shifts in order to shop at 1pm or 3pm.  Recruiting Work Exchangers are invited to shop 5-8pm (a smaller and later shopping time) to reflect the amount of time it should take in recruiting a new seller as compared to working a 5-10 hour shift onsite.  We invite you to participate in our ‘Work & Shop 1st’ program however it best fits your schedule best.  THANK YOU for working with us to make the Kids Exchange the best event it can be. 


IN Summary: 


*Recruit a friend. 


*Make sure your recruit is participating.


*Sign up to shop early on our Sign Up Genius link below.


*Come to the Graham Buildling and check in to shop early on Wednesday of the sale week.


*Check in anytime after 4:30pm.  Shop 5-8pm. 


*Recruit Workers are not allowed to bring guests to shop early.  If you would like someone to shop w/ you, recruit (2) New Sellers, one for each of you. 

*New Recruited Seller must be truly NEW to the event and not a past Kids Exchange Seller. 


*New Seller cannot not live in your home and must be 18 or older. 


**If you prefer to receive a FAST PASS to skip the checkout line on Thursday Sale instead of shopping early on Wednesday, simply use the same link below and type in the ‘comment box’:  I PREFER TO RECEIVE A FAST PASS FOR THURSDAYS SALE.