Who can sell? How much do I make?
Kids Exchange is open to the public. Anyone is welcome to SELL with the Kids Exchange.
- Seller’s make 2/3 of their asking price
- A $15 Selling fee is deducted from each Seller’s check to help cover the cost of building rent.
- Sellers receive (2) passes to the Seller’s Sale, allowing you & a guest to shop before the public.
- Sellers tag & place their items out for sell, and then pick up (or donate) unsold items at the end of the sale. Sellers are NOT required to be onsite during the event.
- Checks are mailed two weeks after the Sale.
What can I sell?
ANYTHING that can used for Infants to Pre-Teens!
Clothing (up boys & girls size 22) * baby equipment * toys * strollers * sporting goods * shoes * books * videos *
kids electronics * kids room decor * kids linens * bikes & ride-on toys * kids furniture * cribs * pack & plays
doll houses * outdoor play equipment * slides * basketball goals * sandboxes * desks…..
6 simple steps to selling
- Register as a Seller for the upcoming Sale (New & Returning Sellers)
- Print tags
- Tag your items
- Place items on the sales floor during our receiving days
- Pick up unsold items (or donate)
- Cash your check & enjoy your CLEAN CLOSETS!
*Continue to read complete Tagging Instructions by going to the Seller’s Manual
*If this process feels overwhelming or you are our of time, simply join the Tagging Group on Facebook and you can request a mom or dad in the KX Community to pick up and tag your items for you
Seller Links and Forms:
*Click here for Consignor Check-In Form
*Click here for Printable building map
*Click here for ABC List for item placement @ Drop-Off
*Please contact The Raleigh Dream Center directly to request a charity tax form.
*Click here for DROP-OFF, PICK-UP or TAGGING SERVICE & get help handling your items.
*Click here for Drop-Off Details & helpful hints (Notes for videos 1-4 below)
*Click here for details on selling and organizing books, puzzles and games.
The Kids Exchange has developed a very active group of parents who are willing to offer their services and time in tagging your items and getting them out to the Sale For you. We use a Facebook private group for communication between those needing help and parents offering their services. To join our Facebook Tagging group and post your needs or services you would like to provide, please click on the link below to join and we will get you connected right away. Don’t let your tight schedule or being short on time keep you from having ‘CLEAN CLOSETS & FULL POCKETS’. Get connected today by clicking the link below and request to join the page:
*If this process feels overwhelming or you are our of time, simply click on ‘Tagging Services’ (located on the top Menu Bar) and you can request a mom or dad in the KX Community to pick up and tag your items for you!
Selling & Tagging Instructions are on our Selling Manual Page
View & Print the Selling Manual
Please read the instructions on this page carefully. When you’re ready to register and print tags, click the Register & Print Tags button to begin!