Work & Shop 1st
1) Recruit a NEW sellers and shop Wednesday 5pm – 8pm OR receive a FAST PASS to skip the checkout line during the Sale.
Click Here for RECRUIT & SHOP EARLY details.
2) Work (1) 5-hour shift of your choice and shop 3pm to 8pm
3) Work (2) 5-hour shifts or the (1) sort night shift and shop 1pm to 8pm
RETURNING WORKERS: If you are ready to sign up for your shift(s), please CLICK HERE.
If you would like to know more about our ‘Work & Shop 1st Program’, please read details below:
WORK A SHIFT WITH US AND SHOP 1st! …before both Sellers and the public!
Our Work Exchangers are the heart of the Kids Exchange!
We couldn’t put on this event without you and thank you for your involvement.
Program Overview
The Work Exchange Program provides an opportunity for anyone to work one or two (5) shifts in exchange for early shopping privileges. Work Exchangers shop before Sellers and the general public. Anyone can join us as a Work Exchanger. You do not have to be a Seller. Please join us!
- Reserve your shift(s)
- Print your ‘check-in form’
- Bring form to Graham Building entrance for pass on the Sale day
- Enjoy your early shopping!
(As a reminder: Spouses only may join workers when shopping, (must have valid driver’s license confirming same address.)
Early Shopping Date: Wednesday
Super Workers shop at 1pm (Work Sunday’s sorting shift or any 2 shifts).
Regular Workers shop at 3pm (work any 1 shift).
Recruiting Workers shop at 5pm by signing up and helping (1+) new seller(s) to sell with us.
*Shop before Sellers and the General Public
*Avoid long lines to enter and checkout
*Purchase the best items for the lowest prices
*Have first access to one-of-a-kind items
*Serve your community by working for and with other parents
*Enter the ½ price day sale one hour early
The ‘WORK EXCHANGE SCHEDULE’ will open up about 4 to 6 weeks out from the Sale. Be sure to be on our email list and social media to be the 1st to know!
There are (2) ways to become a SUPER Work Exchanger and shop early @ 1pm:
- Anyone who works the Sort Night shift Sunday 5:30-until done (normally by 10:30pm) will be considered a SUPER and you are only required to work this one shift OR
- Sign up for ANY (2) shifts and you will be a SUPER.
As a special perk, Super Work Exchangers can check in for the Wednesday Sale and will be given a number to hold their place in line. Supers Only can leave and return for the 3pm Sale.
If you are a KX Seller or past Worker, simply log into your account and choose hour shopping shift(s). If you are new to our KX community, click on the link below to register as a Work and choose hour shift(s).
The day of the Private Sale, you will check in at the Expo Building lobby to review your shopping passes.
Click here to access the Work Exchange Schedule
Please note: the Work Exchange Schedule fills up very fast.
*Our shifts fill very fast and there is a waiting list of parents anxiously awaiting a free time slot. If you sign up and then decide not to take part in the program, please log-in and cancel your shift ASAP so that others are allowed to take your place. We ask that you avoid this situation by not signing up until you are 100% sure that you will be able to join us, but if a cancellation cannot be avoided, please cancel your shift right away. Thank you.
Your Check-In Form is the last page of the ‘Policies Document’ linked below.
Click here to open the Procedures Document & Check In Form for the Work Exchange Sale.
*Who can shop with me?
(1) person who lives in your same home may accompany you to shop for your household. Both the worker and the guest must show a valid driver’s license with matching addresses, or a utility bill in the person’s name showing the same address. There are very few exceptions please that can be viewed in the link below:
Click here to access the Work Exchange Helper Policy and Exception Form.
*Where do I line up?
To check in and receive your band, please come to the Expo Building lobby at the NC State Fairgrounds. After receiving your entrance band, you will line up outside the Expo doors to enter.
*How do I obtain my pass?
Bring a valid picture ID and your Work Exchange check-in form to the Expo Lobby the day of the sale (after 1pm) to get your shopping pass.
All 1st time Work Exchangers, please read the policies thoroughly. Thank you.
(Your Check-In Form is the last page of the ‘Policies Document’ linked below.)
Click here to open the Procedures Document & Check In Form for the Work Exchange Sale.
Mandatory policies are in place and are strictly enforced to preserve the integrity of our ‘Work & Shop 1st’ program. It is the Work Exchangers responsibility to be familiar with & agree to these policies. Thank you.
When you are ready to select, your shift(s), please click here: Sign up to work and shop 1st
Remember, as an option: if you are unable to work with us onsite, you can Recruit a NEW sellers and shop Wednesday 5pm – 8pm. Click Here for RECRUIT & SHOP EARLY details.
Onsite workers shop at 1pm or 3pm so there is an advantage to working onsite, but if recruiting fits your schedule better, then please join us.
Thank your for Working with us. Your help is needed and very appreciate! ~Kids Exchange Staff