Selling Manual
Who can sell?
Kids Exchange is open to the public. Anyone is welcome to sell with the Kids Exchange.
How much do I make?
- Sellers make 2/3 of their asking price on each item
- The remaining 1/3 goes to pay the expenses of the sale
- A $15 Selling fee is also deducted from each Seller’s check
- * Our expenses include building rent, paid workers, equipment, and more
What are the perks of selling?
- Clean Closets!
- Extra Spending Cash!
- Sellers who bring 10+ items to sell receive TWO (2) passes to the Seller’s Sale, AND advance entry to half price day(s) allowing you & a guest to shop before the public.
What do I have to do?
- Tag & place your items out for sale
- Pick up (or donate) unsold items at the end of the sale.
Sellers are NOT required to be onsite during the event.
How many items can I sell?
You must have at least 10 items of $30 or more to qualify for Seller’s perks
NO Maximum!
When do I get paid?
Checks are generally mailed two weeks after the Sale.
What can I sell?
ANYTHING that can be used for pregnancy to infants to kids to teens!
Clothing sizes Preemie to Youth up to size 20 (NO Junior or Adult sizes)
* The February sale is for Summer clothes and the July sale is for Fall/Winter clothes
* All non-clothing items can be sold at both sales
Click here to see a sample list of items welcome at the sale
What items can I NOT sell?
- All items must be clean & in good condition
- No Recalled Items
- * It is the Seller’s responsibility not to sell recalled items. Check the Consumer Protection website or the manufacturer’s website for recalls, or use a Google search to make sure it is not flagged as a recall.
- No clothing with holes or stains or any sort of disrepair
- No items with missing pieces or items that do not work
- No Stuffed Animals (except Disney, Squishmallow, or Build-A-Bear)
- No Maternity clothes
- No Adult Home Furnishings
- No Adult Women’s or Men’s sized clothing
- No Mattresses per NC state law
I don’t want to/don’t have time to get my items ready to sell. Can someone else do this for me?
YES! We have a community of taggers who you can pay to get your items ready for the sale and deliver them. Simply click on ‘Tagging Services’ (located on the top Menu Bar) or join our Tagging FB page to find people who are providing this service.
A Step By Step Guide to Selling
1. Register to become a seller
- Click “Sell” on the menu at the top
- Click “Register & Print Tags”
- Click “Need a Consignor Number”
- * Registration will open at an advertised date prior to the upcoming sale
- * Follow us at KX Consignment on FB and Instagram for the latest updates
2. Print tags
What is a tag?
- Each item you sell must have a tag attached
- Only official Kids Exchange tags can be used
- NO handwritten tags
IMPORTANT Cardstock Guidelines
- All tags must be printed on cardstock paper. * Regular paper will tear off and get lost
- If you want to donate your unsold items, use WHITE cardstock.
- If you want to pick up unsold items, use PASTEL or NEON colored cardstock.
- * Dark colored cardstock is difficult for our scanners to read
- * Red cardstock is very difficult for our scanners to read
- * During the sorting process at the end of the sale, it is difficult for our volunteers to distinguish items tagged in grey, ivory, off-white, light yellow, etc. from white. If you’re not planning on donating unsold items, print your tags on a color other than white, off-white, ivory, light-yellow, etc.!
How to Print Tags
- Choose the LOGIN option, located on the top Menu Bar
- If you are a new seller, choose ‘I need a consignor number’.
- Once you have an account, continue to follow the instructions below.
- If you are a returning Seller, input your Consignor # and password
- Password is the last 4 digits of your phone # we have on file
- If you do not know your Consignor #, you can request an email reminder at
- Log in to your account
- Click on the gray Menu button
- Click Barcode Labels/Tags from the drop down menu
- Type in your price and how many tags you want at that price
- * 10 barcodes fit on one 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper
- Use the drop down menu to Allow Discount yes or no * YES (Allow Discount) – your items will sell for half price on designated half price days. * NO (Do not Allow Discount) – your tags will generate with FULL PRICE printed on each tag which means they will NOT sell for half price at any point during the sale
Click Submit Barcode
Continue ordering tags in different prices until you have all that you need
* You can come back to this page and order new tags as many times as needed
Click Submit Barcode Order
PLEASE NOTE: The barcode generating portion of the website will close On MONDAY before drop off day. You can still copy tags that you’ve already printed, but you cannot generate tags after this point.
Printing Guidelines
* Remember to print on cardstock paper only!
* Do not bold your tags. They will not scan!
On your Consignor Homepage, scroll down until you see Barcode Orders
Click on your most recent order
Save your order to PDF or print directly from your internet browser
* You can reprint this PDF as many times as you need to. The barcodes are not individual and can be attached to multiple items as long as it’s the same price.
Check your barcodes
Barcodes should look like this: lllllllllllllll
Barcodes should be all one size, and without any spaces in the middle.
If your barcode prints in two different sizes or with a space in the middle, please do not use them and contact
Do not use: ”””””’ lllllllll
Check your sort number (if you want to pick up your unsold items)
Your Sort Number is on the bottom right corner of your tag.
Your Sort Number is used to place your unsold items where you can find them for easy pick-up after the Sale.
This number may change every sale depending on when you register as a seller.
* If you want to keep your sort number, sign up as soon as registration opens!
If your sort number has changed and you want to use old tags, you must print new tags OR print stickers to cover up your old sort number. To print resort stickers, buy Avery 1567 labels. Click on print resort stickers from your consignor homepage
3. Prepare items for the sale
All items must be clean & in good condition
No Recalled Items
* It is the Seller’s responsibility not to sell recalled items. Check the Consumer Protection website or the manufacturer’s website for recalls, or use a Google search to make sure it is not flagged as a recall.
No clothing with holes or stains or any sort of disrepair
* Unacceptable items will be pulled from the racks and donated.
The February sale is for Summer clothes and July sale is for Winter clothes
* Example February only clothes: bathing suits, shorts, tank tops, July 4th outfits
* Example July only clothes: winter coats, snow pants, sweatshirts, heavy sweaters, holiday outfits
* There is never a sale-specific restriction on ITEMS, only CLOTHING due to space
No items with missing pieces or items that do not work
* Unacceptable items will be pulled from the racks and donated
No Stuffed Animals
Shoes (Limited)
Limit 5 pairs per Seller. Must be priced $3 and up
No Maternity clothes
No Adult Home Furnishings
No Adult Women’s or Men’s sized clothing
No Mattresses per NC State law
Helpful items to have
Zip ties (also called ‘cable ties’)
Quart & gallon size plastic bags
Clear Packing tape
Metal adult hangers
Safety Pins
How to prepare clothes for sale
- Hang each individual clothing item on METAL ADULT HANGERS ONLY
- * Plastic hangers break and items end up on the floor
- * Some dry cleaners may offer hangers for sale. You can also buy hangers in bulk on sites like Amazon.
- * You may find hangers for sale on our Tagging Facebook page from other members who have extras.
- Face hanger opening to the left
- Only sell items as a set if they came that way originally
- * Check to ensure they are the same size and same brand
- * When selling sets, hang up each item individually and then ziptie the hangers together
- Do not hang multiple items on one hanger or safety pin items together on one hanger
- * Buyers want to be able to see your items
- * Safety pinning clothing items together will cause holes in your items and will not sell
- Use zip ties or safety pins to secure your items to the hanger if needed
- * Be sure to put the pins through a thick seam or belt loop so it does not make a hole. Your items will not sell with holes!
How to prepare non-clothing items for sale
- Most non-clothing items are placed on tables to sell
- Do not unbox new items. Print out a picture of the item and tape it to the box.
- Use Ziploc bags to group small items together or to keep delicate items clean * Tape your bags closed with clear packing tape
- * Take a picture of the item and tape that to the bag so sellers can see its condition
- Use clear saran wrap to keep large rugs or blankets rolled up or to secure boxes
Toys/Electronics/Art Supplies: tables only
Use zip ties or packing tape to keep large pieces together
Use Ziploc bags or similar clear bags to group small items together
* Tape your bags closed with clear packing tape
If your item is disassembled, take a picture of the item and tape it on to the item so that the seller can see its condition
Linens: most items are placed on tables
Racks are available in the linen room to hang large blankets, towels and curtains
Burp cloths, cloth diapers, and baby blankets should be placed in the linen room
Shoes: racks are available
Zip tie paired shoes together to hang or put in Ziploc bags to set on the floor
* Tape your bags closed with clear packing tape
Please remember no more than 5 shoes per sale!
Expensive Items:
As an option for expensive small items, we offer a more secure table
* breast pumps, electronics, high dollar toys, etc.
It is a great idea to leave a note (on 8.5 x 11 card stock) in the item’s regular section that tells buyers that you have this item located in the stroller section for security. You may want to add a photo of your item to this note as well.
4. Price items
We recommend pricing all items at 1/4 – 1/3 of the original retail price. This varies according to the brand of your items and the condition they are in.
If you’re not sure of the original price, think “What would I be excited to buy this item at?” or “What would be a good deal for this item?”
Generally, items should never be priced over 1/3 the original price unless they are new, never used, in the original packaging or with tags.
KX has no price limits or price requirements, but these are guidelines to help your items sell and to keep our buyers excited to come shop with us
– For clothing
Play shirts & shorts: $2-4
Nicer shirts or shorts: $3-7
Nice 2-piece outfits: $6-10
Jeans or khakis: $4-8
Nice dresses: $6-15
Multiple-piece sets: $10-18
* These are examples for your more common brands, such as Carters, GAP, Ralph Lauren, Children’s Place, Old Navy, Osh Kosh, Gymboree, etc. Boutique and European brands such as Baby Lulu, Baby Nay, Mis Tee V Us, Strasburg, Orient Expressed, Matilda Jane, Peaches N Cream, Baby Sara, etc. could be priced at 30-35% of retail or $2-8 higher than the prices above, depending on their condition.
– For shoes
Toddler shoes: $4-5
Flip-flops: under $3.
Current, name-brand shoes in excellent condition: $8-10
Boutique branded shoes: $10+
– For equipment
Average Single Stroller Price: $20-$65
Double strollers and Infant combos are price higher on average.
Cribs: $25-100 depending on their age, style, condition and brand
Boutique cribs: $100+
Infant swings: $25 – $65
Highchairs: $25 – $50
Walkers and Bouncy Seats: $8-25.
Exer-saucers: $10-35.
Car Seats: $15-50
Pack-n-Plays: $10-50.
5. Tag Items
Each item you sell must have a tag attached
Only official Kids Exchange tags can be used
NO handwritten tags
Helpful items to have
- Ink pen
- Hole punch
- Zip ties
- Clear packing tape
- Painters tape
How to tag clothes
Write in the numerical size in the top right corner of tag
* Our racks are organized by number size, not S, M, L
* Check the manufacturers website for an exact size conversion chart
* In general, XS = 5/6, S = 7/8, M = 10/12, L = 12/14, & XL means 14/16
Write a brief description of your item on bottom center of tag
* Volunteers will use this information to reunite your tag with your item in case they get separated
* This is also a section where you can write information to help sell your item such as : New, Organic, All pieces present, pet-free home, etc
Hole punch your tag
* Feel free to use hole punch reinforcements on high priced items. You may also reinforce with clear packing tape around the hole punch
Zip tie your tag to the item
* We recommend going through a buttonhole, a clothing tag, or a sleeve
* You may have to get creative to attach your tag to your item!
* Tag MUST be visible from the front torso of the item
* Use safety pins ONLY if there is no place to zip tie (not recommended)
Tagging Guns are not recommended
* Tagging guns are notorious for causing holes in items
* Only go through a thick seam or the original tag
How to tag books – Check out the books details at
Write a brief description of your item on bottom center of tag
* Volunteers will use this information to reunite your tag with your item in case they get separated
Attach tags to book cover with tape
* blue painters tape is preferred because it does not tear book covers
How to tag large items
Use clear packing tape or ziptie your tag to your item
Use multiple tags in various places on your item to ensure the buyer can find your tag
Generally large items should be displayed set up, not folded or broken down, so buyers can inspect the condition of the item
* secure small pieces in Ziploc bags and tape or ziptie to your item
Do not unbox new items. Print out a picture of the item and tape it to the box with your tag
How to tag all other items
If size does not apply, leave top right corner blank.
Write a brief description of your item on bottom center of tag
* Volunteers will use this information to reunite your tag with your item in case they get separated
* This is also a section where you can write information to help sell your item such as: New, Organic, All pieces present, pet-free home, etc
Use zip ties whenever possible to attach your tag to your item
Use clear packing tape to attach your tag to your item
If your items are in a plastic bag, please tape your tag to the outside of the bag.
* Please do not put your tag inside plastic bags as they are hard for buyers to find and difficult for our scanners to read
Do not unbox new items. Print out a picture of the item and tape it to the box with your tag
Can I reuse my old tags?
Yes. The date on the tag does not really matter. The only thing you need to check between sales if you tag in color for pickup is that your sort number stays the same. If your sort number has changed and you want to pick up your unsold items, you will need to print stickers to place over your old number or reprint your tags. Please do NOT handwrite your new sort number as it is a way items could be stolen at the sale and hard for volunteers to read.
6. Drop off items at the sale
Drop off Schedule can be found here
Monday: Depending on the Fairgrounds schedule, we sometimes have to share our set up time with a show moving out on the same day. When this happens, we may not be able to accept clothing on Monday nights. Please make sure that you check KX emails that are sent out to all registered consignors to see if the current sale is affected.
Tuesday drop off is for all items, including clothing
* You can drop off as many times as you need, just save your seller’s packet and stickers that you receive when you sign in
What to bring
1. Registration Confirmation Form with one of your tags attached
– The form is included in the confirmation email after you register with KX as a seller
– You can also find the form on the FAQs page –
2. Cart or Wagon OR your Driver’s License to “rent” one of ours
Important Rules for Drop off
Place your items in the correct place
* DO NOT put clothing on the wrong size racks. THEY WILL NOT SELL
* DO NOT toss your items onto random tables. THEY WILL NOT SELL
* Please help us keep the sale organized for our buyers
* If you are unsure, ask one of our volunteers or check the Item Locator Map
Do not put items that can fit under tables in the large items area
* If it fits under the tables, it needs to go under tables.
Drop off FAQs
What is a seller’s packet?
You will receive a packet of important information when you sign in
Sticker(s) – Wear these during drop off to ID yourself as a seller
Seller’s bands – required to enter the building during the seller’s sales days
Can I bring helpers?
Yes. Ask for extra ID stickers at sign in for anyone over 16.
What doors will be open for drop off?
We will have two doors available for entry.
You can use either door to access the entire building
ABC Door – near clothing racks
DEF Door – near large items
Where do I drop off my items?
There will be an Item Locator Map page available just before drop off begins
* This map may vary slightly each sale
Item specific Drop Off instructions
If you’re unsure about where to drop off, check the Item Locator Map
Clothing that is on hangers should be placed on the correct size rack
Clothing that is in bags (onesies, socks, accessories, etc) will go on tables
Gender neutral clothing can be placed in either area by size, but we recommend the boys’ side because there are generally less clothes there
Toys/Electronics/Craft Supplies {PICTURE OF TABLES}
Small items should be placed on the correct table
Medium sized items should be placed UNDER tables
If items will not fit under tables, they should go in the large items area
Our book room is organized by subject. Please place your books accordingly
* Click here to see the book room labels
Please place the books in the provided boxes with the spines facing up.
Provide a cardboard box if you are bringing 10+ books for sale
* Boxes should be only as tall as your tallest book
* Cut all four of the box flaps off
* Boxes will be used to display books for ease in shopping.
Puzzles & Games
Placed spine up to fit as many as possible on the tables
Once the table is full, please use the provided boxes underneath the table
Place your shoes on the correct size rack
Shoes must be paired together by ziptie or bag
Hang your shoes on the provided racks or place on the floor
There will be a separate rack for costumes near the dress-up items table
Most linens will be placed on tables in bags
There will be a rack provided for larger items
Please place items on top of or under tables as indicated by signs
Large Items
Large items are generally placed in the middle of the building
These are items that are too large to fit under tables
* DO NOT place small items that can fit under tables here!
Generally these items should be set up, not broken down or folded up so buyers can inspect the condition of the item
We have a special area for strollers for their security
Expensive Items
As an option for expensive small items, we offer a more secure table
* breast pumps, electronics, high dollar toys, etc.
It is a great idea to leave a note (on 8.5 x 11 card stock) in the item’s regular section that tells buyers that you have this item located in the stroller section for security. You may want to add a photo of your item to this note as well.
7. Shop the Sale as a Seller
Click here for general information about shopping the sale
Sellers receive (2) wristbands to enter the Seller’s Sale, AND advance entry to half price day(s) allowing you & a guest to shop before the public.
* Check the schedule for dates and times for each sale here
Everyone, including sellers, must register as a shopper on the EventBrite site
* Go to the home page and click REGISTER TO SHOP
You will receive your seller’s wristbands in your packet at drop off
* All adults must have a wristband to enter the building during the Seller’s Sale. Children and teens under 16 do not need a wristband.
* Make sure you save your wristbands to use again during half-price days
* If you accidentally lose your wristbands you will need to show the security guard a screenshot of your consignor homepage. This will take extra time and you may lose your place in the entry line.
8. Pick up unsold items (if you do not want to donate)
Monday morning following the sale all items must be picked up
* Items that are not picked up on time will be donated
Bring your own cart or wagon OR your Driver’s License to “rent” one of ours
Everything is sorted according to sort numbers.
* You can find your sort number on the bottom right corner of your tags
You will need to show your consignor homepage at the door to leave with your items
Pick up FAQs
Is there any way to know how much stuff I have left?
Short answer is no, unless you work the sorting shift on Sunday night.
* Click here to find out more about working at KX
* KX will try to post a walkthrough video on the Tagging FB page to show what is left to be picked up
* It is possible to connect with a worker for sort night who will look for your items, but KX does not provide this service
Can someone else pick up for me?
Yes, they will just need your sort number and a screenshot of your consignor homepage
* Check the Tagging FB page for individuals providing this service
Where to look for your unsold items
1. Check the clothing racks
* Your clothes will be in a pile labeled with your sort number
2. Check the book room
3. Check tables for toys/electronics/linens/bagged clothing
* Tables are sorted into 1-100, 100s, 200s, etc by sort number
4. Check the lost tag tables and racks
5. Check the large items area and the stroller corral
6. Check the Expensive Items table
9. Get Paid!
Please ensure your address is correct by clicking Login at the top of the homepage
Your check will be mailed about two weeks after the Sale
Check the Seller’s Facebook Page for the latest updates on when the check is mailed
How do I know what items sold?
There is unfortunately no way for us to provide individual itemized reports.
We can provide a list of how many of your items sold at what price and how many went for full or half price. There is a fee for this service. Please email for more information or to request a list.
How much do I make?
Sellers make 2/3 of their asking price on each item
The remaining 1/3 goes to pay the expenses of the sale
A $15 Selling fee is also deducted from each Seller’s check
* Our expenses include building rent, paid workers, equipment, and more
Items to Sell
- Boys and Girls Preemie through size 22
- No Juniors or Adult Sizes
Baby Gates
Basketball Goals
Bean Bag Chairs
Bikes and Ride on Toys
Board Games
Bouncy Seats
Breast Pumps
Burp Cloths
Car Booster Seats
Car Seat Bases
Car Seats
Changing Table Pads
Changing Tables
Children’s Tents
Cloth Diapers
Diaper Bags
Diaper Genies
Doll Houses
Gliders & Ottomans
Homeschooling Items
Infant and Kids Towels
Infant Gyms
Infant Swings
Infant Swings
Infant Toys
Infant Tubs
Johnny Jump Ups
Kids Bedding
Kids Electronics
Kids Furniture
Kids Room Decor
Lovies / Snuggle Toys
Maternity Books
Nursing Pillows
Nursing Pillows
Nursing Pumps
Outdoor Play Equipment
Receiving Blankets
Receiving Blankets
Rocking Chairs
Sporting Goods
Toddler Beds
Toddler Feeding Items
Toddler Potties
Toddler Slides
Toy Boxes
Video Games & Systems